Peer to Peer Magazine

Dec 2013

The quarterly publication of the International Legal Technology Association

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Page 103 of 111

Ask The Expert: Ingredients for Extraordinary Leadership Mark: The first thing to do is find an inspirational mentor. Stand on the shoulders of giants. Don't try to do it yourself. Being a leader is being a mentor yourself, but in order to reach that point you must find a mentor who embodies what you want to be and who can provide you that purpose, direction and motivation. do and do what you love. Once you find your true passion, the sky is the limit and everything becomes possible. Kim: Don't let the small things trip you up. Don't let carelessness or lack of focus cause mistakes that define you. Sometimes those are very difficult to overcome, so don't let the simple things be your undoing. And work every day to prove yourself. Prove that you deserve the opportunities and you deserve even more. Work as if every day is a new day and that you are working to prove yourself. And at the end of the day it's all about relationships. Forging those relationships allows you to then influence others up, down and across the organization. And lastly, get very comfortable being uncomfortable. Don't be afraid to fail. The moment you feel comfortable and can rest, that's the time to push yourself to the next level and take on the next challenge. That is what has helped me to become a stronger leader, and I encourage others to take the same approach. Rick: Engage with people at all levels. The more you do so, the more aware you become of your surroundings both from a people and business perspective. Seek out opportunities in life and in your career that offer the greatest challenges and that ignite your true passion. Those around you will recognize your passion and be more eager to follow your lead and throw their full support and confidence behind you. Don't wait for opportunities to come to you; seek them out with every ounce of passion you have or someone else will. Identify a great mentor or two and learn as much as you can from them. It's always helpful to learn from others' experiences as you're trying to advance in your career. Humility is a virtue. There will always be someone who knows more than you and is better at certain things than you are, and that's okay. It is always better to serve yourself a little piece of humble pie than it is to have someone else serve it for you. And last, but certainly not least, love what you Introducing BEC Assemble-It ™ A new generation document assembly system integrated with Word's Task Pane for fast and intuitive document production. A Productivity Tool for Microsoft Word Organizes often used content (text, tables, graphics) for easy insert into any document Allows unlimited personal content libraries and firm content libraries Enhances Word's Content Controls for variable information Includes Question/Answer script logic BEC CoreRelate Framework 800.948-4810 | CoreRelate Docket Enterprise MatterLink Assemble-It LegalBar MetaReveal Peer to Peer 105

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