
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

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26 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | F A L L 2 0 2 4 for its Program on Law & Innovation (PoLI), launched Vanderbilt AI Law Lab (VAILL), an initiative focused on the AI of law from human- centered perspectives, involving law students in AI projects to serve the education, practice, and delivery of legal services. Aiming to revolutionize the legal industry, Aderant and VAILL hosted a dynamic session at ILTACON 2024 titled "Forging the Future – Catalyzing Innovative Legal Tech Collaborations with Law Schools." This fireside chat delved into the transformative power of AI in the legal field, showcasing how both organizations are turning AI into groundbreaking legal tools. With invaluable support from ILTA in shaping the session and boosting its visibility, the event drew a significant audience eager to witness the future of legal tech unfold. Andy Hoyt, CTO of Aderant, and Mark J. Williams, lecturer at Vanderbilt Law and co- founder of VAILL (with Cat Moon), were the main speakers at the session. Reflections on their conversation are featured below. MARK: If we had all the answers to AI, we wouldn't need a lab like VAILL. The emergence of ChatGPT was a massive leap forward that prompted us to focus more intensely on generative AI education and experimentation among students and faculty. VAILL allowed us to be more intentional about AI, and our Dean, Chris Guthrie, was very supportive. With VAILL, we coalesced various courses focused on law technology, AI, law practice, and robotics into a whole program. Our classes concentrate on AI basics, AI's impact on legal services, and the more doctrinal/policy side of the tech. Students learn about everything from prompt engineering to the ethical implications of generative AI and the governance piece. We also provided AI boot camp training for our faculty. The law will never keep up with technology, given how fast it will change. Therefore, it's increasingly essential for law schools to have cross-functional teams from various disciplines that are AI-literate and have an adaptive governance framework for deploying this tech. Hackathons have been a great way for students to explore the uses of generative AI (GAI) and produce substantial results. We maintain a mindset of curiosity and embrace whatever comes along with this ride. This Fall, we're launching the VA practicum, our version of a clinic that has both an educational and lab component where we have worked with our data science team to create interactive tools. We are working on one about living wills and advanced directives like end-of-life planning that is geared toward Tennessee citizens. Our students have an opportunity to think intentionally

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