Financial Management: More Than Graphs and Charts The specialized field of financial management in legal is evolving as more processes are streamlined, data are collected and client expectations broaden. The efficient management of funds to accomplish the organization’s goals requires more than elaborate graphs and charts, it takes methodic planning, the right processes and tools, and vision and creativity. Slices of the financial management pie are served up in this white paper, and you’re sure to find a flavor you like. Our authors provide blueprints for creating and renewing client relationships and rates, integrating legal project management techniques with financial analytics, selecting and migrating to a new financial system, reducing files and cost with information governance, and focusing on client-facing key performance indicators. We’ve tapped into wonderful content from ILTACON 2016 with articles on the cost-benefit analysis process and law department analytics tools. You’ll also find highlights from the “2016 ILTA/InsideLegal Tech Purchasing Survey” and ILTACON TV interviews. Needless to say, there’s some meat and potatoes to go with that pie. Enjoy, and share more than graphs and charts with a peer!