ILTA White Papers

The Changing Face of Computing

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Page 22 of 45 When sizing for shared storage, consider this formula: Capacity = (I x S x (3V)) + (D x C). The Quest To Centralize and Virtualize Enter the age of virtual desktop infrastructure (VDI). Over the years, early adopters tried to accomplish a centralized virtual desktop using server-based technology, such as Citrix XenApp and Microsoft Terminal Services. These systems, however, suffer from inherent shortcomings, such as a lack of audio/video in addition to RAM memory limits imposed on singleinstance, server-based operating systems. Users complained of performance issues, including session bleed-over and too many effects when server hosts became compromised. While a virtual desktop was a noble idea in theory, the technology was simply too immature for the needs of a busy attorney (and, for the most part, it was relegated to the roles of remote access and branch office duties). During this same time, Citrix announced the release of XenDesktop in May 2008. It promised to change the way desktop technology was delivered, and other players, such as VMware, jumped on the bandwagon with their own VDI-based desktop solutions. In late 2009 and early 2010, my company began to evaluate both products closely. Our goal: Identify the best platform (i.e., the product that provided the most performance and value, and was simple to install, seamless to integrate and easy to maintain). 24 ILTA White Paper At first, it seemed VMware's View made the most sense, as it ran on top of the market-leading hypervisor (i.e., the virtual machine manager), vSphere/ESX, and could be managed though a common vCenter interface. However, after an intense side-by-side comparison, it became apparent quickly that Citrix XenDesktop provided greater stability, a higher level of performance and a more real-life desktop experience, and that it shipped with the XenServer hypervisor at no additional charge. The race was on. We deployed several small installations at customer sites as trials. The goal was to deliver a nonpersistent, isolated, high-definition, "true" Windows 7 desktop. If it worked, it could be the missing link for law firm IT managers. The results were astounding. Sizing Is the Key As is customary with any IT project, proper planning, sizing and system design are crucial to success. This is paramount when you consider the variety of moving parts in a VDI design. Keep in mind that you are architecting a system that will be tasked with delivering the life-blood of your law firm — the desktop operating system and application set your users rely on to perform their jobs. Regardless of location, connection or end-point device, the VDI system must offer stellar performance

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