Social Media
and New
by Keith Ecker of Jaffe PR
As the legal profession becomes
Keith Ecker serves as the Vice President of Public Reputation Services at Jaffe
PR, a full-service legal marketing agency. Keith regularly works with law firms
and legal technology vendors to help move them up the public reputation
curve by employing the tactics of Legal Brand Journalism. He formerly served
as an independent media and marketing consultant to a number of legal
technology providers. Keith is also the former technology and online editor at
InsideCounsel magazine. He can be contacted at kecker@jaffepr.com or on
Twitter @Keith_JaffePR.
ILTA White Paper
increasingly competitive, legal
service providers must expand
outside their comfort zones and take
a more aggressive — and smarter
— approach to marketing. While
traditional media relations, websites,
advertisements and brochures have
become standard components of a
firm's marketing plan, many legal
professionals are slow to incorporate
one of the most dynamic and costeffective tools available to them —
social media.