Make the hard work easier
With Nuix eDiscovery you can:
• Process more data, faster
• Ingest everything, even the most difficult data
• Deliver consistent results at a lower cost
• Work with data in place and on site
Join the leading litigation support vendors, law firms, regulators, government
agencies and enterprises that have used Nuix to make the impossible possible.
eDiscovery is becoming increasingly challenging and time consuming.
The volume and complexity of data involved in discovery grows every year,
requiring highly skilled technical and legal practitioners to make sense of it.
With Nuix eDiscovery 5, we have focused on making the hard work of eDiscovery
easier so you can meet deadlines, minimize risks and mistakes, reduce costs
and maintain a strategic advantage throughout litigation.
Our new web application Nuix Director automates eDiscovery workflows, putting
the world's most advanced capabilities into the hands of eDiscovery experts,
analysts and technicians, investigators and lawyers.
Find out more:
Australia: +61 2 9280 0699
North America
USA: +1 877 470 6849
Peer to Peer
UK: +44 207 868 1936