
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

Issue link: https://epubs.iltanet.org/i/1508143

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Page 82 of 86

83 I L T A N E T . O R G super-convenient and efficient to have task lists matter centric and have the task list be user centric – and associated within the DMS - to reduce platforms and improve one's ability to work easier. The ability to transfer emails and other materials directly into Tracker is also interesting. A few final words on the new iManage AI capabilities. Insight+ introduces the concept of managing taxonomies so that a knowledge administrator can set this up to support legal work. iManage is working with the SALI Alliance to try to use industry standard taxonomies as well. Taxonomies allow one to generate workflows to help users appropriately classify their content, which in turn should make it easier to search content and find information in new, better ways. As it relates to the iManage AI product, some of the areas discussed included classification and enrichment, and email AI Assistant, and other generative AI capabilities. The hope is that functions such as document classification and email filings should be accelerated and simplified like their Mailbox Assistant. What is one use case for this? Perhaps the common "problem" of working through a document shared area or mailbox to classify content when an attorney leaves. These technologies now offer an opportunity to automatically file emails for attorneys who left a law firm, so you do not need to keep a mailbox for a very long period of time. . A final thought on generative AI within iManage was that they expressed a thought that using LLM on curated data sets yields the best results and reduces AI hallucinations. That, coupled with the company's ability to protect the security of content, trust settings, ethical walls, and grounding for context, offers an ability for iManage to accept a set of documents to iManage AI and then process questions about the document sets. This accelerates how work is done, especially when one needs to go through large volumes of data. How might the iManage company update be summed up. iManage is hopeful their product features and future improvements will make work smoother, smarter, safer. In Closing I know this is a lot of information. My apologies for that, it's not easy to cover all the salient points of a very rich hour presentation and my goal was to be a bit more detailed and share many of the specifics covered in the meetings – things which might not bubble to the surface in a 1,200 word piece on ILTACON in the public domain. ILTA Kenneth Jones is Chief Operating Of ficer at Xerdict Group LLC, technology subsidary of Tanenbaum Keale LLP

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