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"Print macros are the great underutilized tool in Microsoft Office." A DEEPER SHADE OF GREEN An IT director for a major accounting firm in London put it this way: "We were chartered with a green initiative two years ago, so we began scanning incoming documents as a standard. We've had good results, and now I am being asked about the next move in our green initiative." Statistics in the printer/copier industry show that while copying volumes have been reduced dramatically, printing volumes continue to grow. So, as we play a version of "green whack-a-mole," the latest nongreen mole to pop its head up (or at least the one that has yet to be whacked) is printing. If we must print, the next set of questions becomes: 44 Tech Potpourri ILTA White Paper • How can we print less? • How can we eliminate printing mistakes? • How can we be more efficient when we do print? One of the most wasteful applications when it comes to printing is, ironically, the application that was supposed to remove us from paper and printing — email (aka Outlook). User behavior is the prime suspect, but the Outlook application is a guilty co- conspirator. Let's first acknowledge that printing email messages is a backward step; but if fee-earners insist, we accommodate. The biggest Outlook printing waste comes at the end of a back-and-forth email