ILTA White Papers

Tech Potpourri

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accountable. This peer mentoring is an important part of community learning. After about 30 days, it's time to invite the group to the next learning opportunity and get feedback from them on how successful they were with the last class. SHARE AND IMPROVE Once you have a few groups using the social networking tool for classroom pre-learning and follow- up, start encouraging collaboration on how people are using technology in their work. Have them share their best practices. When they forget how to do something, have them ask the group for help. When you see people who have been successful, talk to them and share their stories. Use a video camera to record testimonials and stories and post the links to these videos. YouTube is free, and you can easily set up a private channel to store your firm's video content. Make your videos fun and informational. Your goal is to get these to go viral within your firm. and best practices every day. People who learn from their peers learn more and often come back for more. " " "Why should the training department be the only ones providing expertise?" DEVELOP EXPERTS In many firms, it is the responsibility of the training department to learn every type of technology-related software and tool, become an expert, design learning and provide classes and support. But changes are happening so fast that it is impossible to keep up with the pace of new technology updates and changes. Why should the training department be the only ones providing expertise? We believe that process and best practice advice is best provided by the people who live those processes 32 Tech Potpourri ILTA White Paper " " In your firm, do you know who the resident expert is on building presentations for trial, who can best assist others with electronic filing, or who is a master of pivot tables? Your social media solution should allow for the building of profiles to assist with this type of identification. Often when we travel, we will see examples of peer learning in action. Just a couple of weeks ago, I saw a group of people huddled together around a laptop while one in the group shared their insight on how best to use the company's new portal. She was sharing her experience, expertise and knowledge. The others were highly engaged, asking questions and wanting more information. Think about when the first few iPads hit your firm. When a lawyer found an application that was useful, he would share what he found, how he used it and what the advantages were for other iPad users. This is the type of information-sharing that should be encouraged in firms. Most of what we learn, we learn fr people. om other —Jay Cr oss When I need to learn something, I ask somebody It is important to cultivate the right people to ask. . —Mar c Rosenber g

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