Peer to Peer
mARKET place
This "Market Place" section of the magazine can be so
much more than a collection of business cards. Get
your message in front of the most engaged and tech-
savvy readership in legal — ILTA's members. Beyond
the traditional print ads, which are abundant in this
publication, there are great opportunities to create
"interactive" messages via the Web and through our
digital publications. Take a tour below and contact Ken
Hansen ken@iltanet.org to learn more.
Market Place ad:
Think outside the "business card." Create
a landing page and supporting text
around a current campaign or product
promotion, an announcement of note at
your company or anything new and cool
that you want our readers to see.
Hi. My name is...
Become an
ILTA fan.
The market place
ads can link to any
landing page in the
digital version.