
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

Issue link: https://epubs.iltanet.org/i/1527706

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Page 35 of 48

36 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | F A L L 2 0 2 4 F or several years, hiring and retention have been a pain point within law firms. The latest ILTA Litigation and Practice Support survey illustrates the challenge, reporting that nearly one-third of respondents said "difficulty finding or retaining talent" was among their greatest challenges. This has led some firms to try a new approach. Rather than requiring extensive legal experience, firms identify candidates with corporate backgrounds who are ambitious, adaptable, and eager to learn the legal industry. By welcoming new voices into roles like IT, innovation, and knowledge management, firms can benefit from fresh perspectives and a largely untapped talent pool. While these recruits already have the interpersonal, organizational, and technology skills required to thrive in legal, they need thoughtful support to navigate the industry's nuances successfully. Law firms that can tailor their onboarding process for new hires coming from non- legal backgrounds may gain an advantage, overcoming a talent shortage and harnessing new ideas for innovation that can drive the firm forward. How to Onboard and Learn from Hires New to the Profession B Y L I Z A P E S T I L L O S ‑ O C AT

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