
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

Issue link: https://epubs.iltanet.org/i/1527706

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19 I L T A N E T . O R G I n 2018, I was an IT administrator in our Cincinnati office and had been in that role for almost nine years. I had taken on some additional responsibilities within that role, but my career had largely stalled. I felt like I was in a rut and wasn't sure when I'd have an opportunity to move into another position. Because of the leadership team in Vorys Information Management and the culture of Vorys as a whole, people who join the department don't leave often so there aren't a lot of openings due to attrition. I also knew I was safe in my current role and that I could perform the responsibilities I had really well. I didn't have to put in extra effort or risk failing at something if I continued doing what I'd been doing. I told myself that the right opportunity hadn't been given to me and that I hadn't grown due to factors beyond my control. My manager emailed me one day and asked if I'd like to go to ILTACON. He knew the timing might not be great. I had five young children, and our family had been dealing with some chronic illnesses. I spoke to my wife, and we decided I should do it. I was fortunate to be given the opportunity to go because the Information Management team at Vorys had about 45 members at the time. The odds of getting another chance to attend seemed low to me. I spent five days with over 3000 highly successful legal tech professionals and sat in sessions absorbing educational content from experts in various fields at my first ILTACON in National Harbor, MD. I had no idea what to expect and didn't have a plan for the week other than a list of interesting sessions. Looking back, I don't recall much about the specific sessions I went to. I spent time in several professional development sessions and multiple core IT sessions. I just showed up B Y J O S H W U L F Embracing a Growth Mindset The Transformative Potential of ILTACON ILTACON 2024

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