
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

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16 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | F A L L 2 0 2 4 within the platform to control your data. For LinkedIn in particular, take some time to review your Account Preferences, Visibility, and Data Privacy to choose how you want to participate and be seen within the community. 5. Be an Activator The fifth and most important tip for building your community within the legal tech and broader legal ecosystem is to develop an Activator mindset. • Be proactive – reach out to people to ask questions and seek mentors and the knowledge you need. • Don't be afraid to raise your hand – volunteer to help with projects within your communities. leaps in your career. Organizations like ILTA have great opportunities to find and connect with mentors who are well-prepared to contribute to your vocational development. However, just as you do not want to limit yourself to participating in just one professional community, you can also have more than one mentor. Be open to finding and connecting with mentors where and when you can. More importantly, look for mentors who can be friends when you need them. 3. Use what's available Unlike a decade ago, and certainly 40+ years ago when ILTA began, there are more online resources at your fingertips than you could ever ingest. ILTA has a wealth of legal tech resources, including blogs, white papers, webinars, Peer to Peer (a quarterly magazine), podcasts, and more. Beyond ILTA, CLOC, LMA, and other organizations, the business partners within your communities also offer an ever-growing body of helpful resources and thought leadership- driven material. One of the most valuable resources business partners provide is access to their domain experts, solutions engineers, thought leaders, and even founders, who would love to help you on your journey and most likely value your insights. 4. Leverage social media Don't know where to start with social media? Take advantage of tips and content from legal tech influencers like Alex Su, Brittany Leonard, Matt Margolis, Cheryl Wilson Griffin, and Colin Levy. Learn from how they interact with their communities, share great insights they have with your network, and look for opportunities to share your expertise by commenting on posts. LinkedIn is also a great place to start for young professionals by building your digital resume and optimizing your LinkedIn to raise your profile. Use your LinkedIn to tell people who you are and what you aspire to be as a legal technologist. Social media doesn't have to be daunting, scary, or invasive. If privacy is on your mind, don't forget to review and update your settings Volunteer with ILTA Learn how you can get involved. iltanet.org/volunteer Make connections community is one another out. Everything You Need to Know About Volunteering How to volunteer » Identify Opportunities that Interest You » Apply for Volunteer Opportunity » Review Application Status » Participate in Interview » Review Application Result » If Selected, Get Started in Your Volunteering Role at ILTA Have questions? If you're not sure where to start your volunteer efforts, contact membership@iltanet.org. Quick Links ILTA Volunteer Page » Find Your Volunteer Role at ILTA » See Current Opportunities »

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