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I L T A W H I T E P A P E R & S U R V E Y R E S U L T S | L I T I G A T I O N A N D P R A C T I C E S U P P O R T & C O R P O R A T E L E G A L D E P A R T M E N T S 7 software created for presenting at trial. The remainder of the responders used their litigation support software, PowerPoint or other programs. Last year specialty software was 83% -- so there is a trend to use non-specialty software for showing evidence at trial. There could be factors for this trend such as courtroom technology being more available, needs changing and (for me) a huge transition to attorneys being more comfortable with the process using tools like screen share in zoom for hearings, etc. that do not involve specialty software. Security - we remain at about 80% for encrypting all data either with no exceptions or by default. As litigation support deals with client data – I expect those results. My suggestion based on my experience / best practices around encryption is to have a written policy around what / when encryption is used. That, combined with a log of encryption keys and/or communications to the case team providing the key, will help you mitigate privacy issues when shipping boxes are broken open in transit. With privacy laws becoming more strict and how they vary by location -- being able to prove data is secured may mean the difference between having a reportable event and not. Litigation support programming requests focused on both tools and processes – again illustrating how we can do our jobs, not talking about only features. There is a real desire to learn about emerging tech and processes so that we continue to be the experts firms rely upon. When it comes to core competencies, those take center stage throughout the survey with those writing the questions and those responding embracing the processes not just the software. The desire for emerging tech programming also ties back to updating processes to incorporate new tools. I would like to personally thank Mike Quartararo and Joan Washburn for teaming up with me to write the survey as well as those who took their valuable time to complete the survey. ILTA Cindy MacBean is Litigation Support Manager at Honigman LLP. Cindy is a highly-experienced Litigation Support professional who has recommended technology solutions to support discovery workflow to provide innovative, appropriate and cost-effective solutions in law firms, their clients and corporate legal staff. Cindy has utilized her business education and diverse experience to demonstrate excellence in solving problems, mitigating risk, providing tactical direction, overseeing operations, planning strategic initiatives, implementing solutions and supporting legal teams with the utmost commitment to customer service. In addition to her MBA in Technology Management, she maintains certifications in eDiscovery (CEDS), Information Governance (IGP) and US/Europe Privacy (CIPP/US, CIPP/E).

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