publication of the International Legal Technology Association
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I L T A W H I T E P A P E R | K N O W L E D G E M A N A G E M E N T & M A R K E T I N G T E C H N O L O G Y 50 2 0 2 0 M A R K E T I N G T E C H N O L O G Y S U R V E Y R E S U L T S What is the range of total annual costs for each segment of your tech stack (i.e., CRM) of your overall marketing budget? What's keeping you up at night regarding marketing technology? What concerns you most? What is your 2020 marketing technology budget? 2020 ILTA Marketing Technology Survey 54 / 66 2.70% 1 2.70% 1 18.92% 7 18.92% 7 43.24% 16 13.51% 5 Q40 What is the range of total annual costs for each segment of your tech stack (ie. CRM) of your overall marketing budget? Answered: 37 Skipped: 1 TOTAL 37 1K to 10K 10K to 20K 20K to 40K 50K to 100K 100k+ N/A 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES 1K to 10K 10K to 20K 20K to 40K 50K to 100K 100k+ N/A 2020 ILTA Marketing Technology Survey 16.22% 6 21.62% 8 45.95% 17 16.22% 6 Q45 What is your 2020 marketing technology budget? Answered: 37 Skipped: 1 TOTAL 37 Less than last year More than last year About the same as last year Not sure 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Less than last year More than last year About the same as last year Not sure • Staffing - Developing a CRM that is actually used - General adoption of new marketing technologies • We are developing a new website. It is going well, but it still keeps me up sometimes. • Keeps me up at night - data privacy compliance. Harder than it has to be/most challenged - assigning ROI to firm website. • future proofing and systems integration • too many communication tools and how do you keep them active (email, text, slack, organization specific, etc.) • systems that speak to one another • Maintaining multiple systems aer a merger (mainly, CRMs), lack of IT support, post-merger data concerns (data collection processes, system access, addressing backlogs, user expectations, etc.) • Stability of technology, data governance, information silos. • We're not doing enough with the data we have. Not enough discipline and consistency in use. • SEO/SEM/Online marketing strategies; Analysis of the statistical reporting from the platforms -- have the systems do more of the reporting; system integration -- have the systems talk to one another to help tell the story of clients; integration will billing and other departments • I'd like our emailed client alerts to get through more consistently, with fewer bounce-backs and rejections by spam filters. • Not enough resources to manage the data and market efficiently. We focus on getting the content out the door but don't know any of the platforms inside and out. Also, BD doesn't have a clear plan for following up on events with attendees, etc. • Staying ahead of curve. Increasing engagemement. • Integration and follow-up • Upskilling my team • Analytics and CRM • What keeps me up at night? Data quality. What is harder than it has to be? Keeping data clean. What category of technology solution are you most challenged by? CRM and website. • The pace of technological evolution in our space. We are being swamped by users whose worlds have ran faster than ours and will continue to do so. Many of the common systems have legacy traits and are seriously out of date in their UX and functionality. • How to use all of the data points for business development • Data flow, and creating usable data. • Experience management • Data Quality. Data Privacy/Compliance • User adoption • Adoption and utilization of our CRM is a big one. • Experience database, Events and Analytics. • Gathering analytics for a monthly report on marketing tech tools is a grueling process. I wish there was something that connected everything all into one location for us to assess. I would say one of the most challenging issues we face today would be getting in client inboxes. We try to whitelist as much as we can but it's a difficult process getting in front of client IT departments. • Integrating systems to leverage better analytics Responses included: