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I L T A W H I T E P A P E R | L I T I G A T I O N A N D P R A C T I C E S U P P O R T 48 "Healthy employee retention should be around 90%." I consider myself to be perpetually in pursuit of continuous learning and growth. I am intimately aware that my leadership role is an incredible opportunity to pay forward what I have been so very fortunate to receive throughout my career. I have deep respect and gratitude for the many intelligent, passionate and visionary business advisors, leaders, mentors and co-collaborators who have been, and continue to be sources of insight, support and inspiration. To all of you my deep and sincerest thanks - I hope I can do us all justice here. I thank you for allowing me to share my learning, experience and deeply held beliefs around team building. I have a penchant for quotes, they connect me quickly to concepts and ideas. I have peppered quotes throughout and hope they resonate for you as well. Let's dive in and discuss the key components to building a strong, scalable and sustainable eDiscovery team. Recruitment Strategy Building a strong eDiscovery Services team begins with excellent hiring practices. Anyone who has been in the daunting position of talent acquisition has struggled with this challenge. We can easily fall prey to focussing on our own immediate needs and ignoring the otherwise obvious signs of ill fit. Other times it's not quite as simple, some candidates positively shine in the interview process. They deliver the WOW factor; everything seems to be perfect and yet in practice they don't measure up to expectations. We are left feeling responsible and are driven to "make it right". After a prolonged and painful period of trying to force a fit, we realize this individual will need to leave the organization. The inability to act quickly on that realization often results in substantial unrecoverable time, cost and cultural impact. The cost of employee acquisition and attrition should be measured. This information can be a wellness indicator of your business. Healthy employee retention should be around 90%. If your retention is lower and your turnover does not represent low performers intentionally replaced, it's a strong indicator that you should take a closer look at your recruitment strategy. Employee Turnover Formula In a given period, calculate the average number of employees. The number of employees at the start of the period plus the number of employees at the end of a period divided by 2, will give you the employee average. Turnover rate is then calculated by dividing attrition count by average employee count multiplied by 100. • 100 Employees • 8 New • 10 Left • Average employees = (100+98) /2 = 99 • Turnover Rate = (8/99) x 100 = 8%

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