ILTA White Papers

The New Librarian

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new research services in support of changes within the business (e.g., the addition of a new practice group or division). What we rarely have is a repeatable, defined process for introducing the new services or resources to our internal clients. Borrowing from ITIL can help us define (ahead of the change) who needs to know, what they need to know, what systems or services will be affected and what to do if there is a problem. This systematic review of the release or transition will ensure steps are not missed and increase the likelihood of a smooth transition. Continual Service Improvement: Possibly the most important concept for LRS teams to adopt within ITIL is continual service improvement. The continual service improvement phase of ITIL can be represented easily by asking six questions at all levels and during all processes within the ITIL framework: • What is the vision for this service? • What are we providing now? • What do we ultimately want to provide? • How do we get there? • Did we get there? • How do we keep the momentum going? The concept of continual service improvement has never been more relevant to the LRS than today. The rapidly changing information landscape — information access anywhere, anytime and in any format — means LRS teams need to continually evolve their services, processes and methods for measuring success. They need to review technical services processes to increase efficiency and improve workflow. They need to review research offerings to ensure that they are in line with the demands of their internal clients. They need to identify ways of increasing value, improving leverage across case and project teams, and proactively delivering relevant information to enable informed decisions by those they serve. Asking the continual service improvement questions and systematically reviewing service offerings and processes can pave the 44 AALL/ILTA White Paper way for the LRS to better align with the information and research needs of their organization. An Answer to a Difficult Question Leaders within the library and research services know that there is substantial pressure on their department to improve processes, document best practices and create sustainable and repeatable solutions for their customers. Adopting and adapting the ITIL standards is one possible method of obtaining those goals. Through these standards, LRS departments have the guidance they need to define the services they provide and the ability to communicate these services in the language spoken by their peer groups. We know we have to change how we provide services. Adopting ITIL standards may provide the answer to the most difficult question we face: "Where do we begin?" A/I DO1732 ad_FPC Peer to Peer 26/07/12 10:11 AM Page 1 Find more in every search With greater visibility comes better search results. DocsCorp's contentCrawlermaximizes the search capabilities of Autonomy iManage, OpenText eDOCS DM, MS SharePoint, ProLaw and Worldox. Phone +1 877 236-2726 Email Visit booth 318 and take the Docs search test.

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