Digital White Papers

MBD 17

publication of the International Legal Technology Association

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MARKETING AND BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT 14 WWW.ILTANET.ORG | ILTA WHITE PAPER Are You Experienced? One Firm's Experience Management Journey by Cindy Thurston Bare of Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP Are You Experienced? One Firm's Experience Management Journey Like every large global firm, it is essential for Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe, LLP (Orrick) to collect and disseminate information about our lawyers' expertise. We have long realized the value of capturing maer details for knowledge management, marketing and pricing purposes. In an increasingly competitive industry, and with client RFPs at an all-time high, our ability to find the right experience quickly can be a strong differentiator. Setting Out Our experience management journey started aer a fruitful corporate business unit retreat in 2013, when I was approached with two requests. The business unit leader and the marketing team wanted a database to replace the spreadsheets they were using to capture experience, and they also wanted a beer way to involve associates in the process. We all understood that, while only lawyers can contribute the substantive details we need, reactively chasing them for updates was proving to be neither productive nor effective for marketing. At Orrick, you'll oen hear the phrase, "Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good," and I considered this as we sought improvement. We first reviewed our current experience capture systems and candidly explored what was working and not working. Ultimately, I suggested a solution that extracted existing data from new business intake and financial systems, collecting as much maer information as possible with lile effort. Then, 90 days aer opening, we routed each maer to the top billing associate to provide an update, including a brief description, deal value, close date and other important details.

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