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POTPOURRI 31 WWW.ILTANET.ORG | ILTA WHITE PAPER They Are Going To Share Files With or Without You Your lawyers will wait for you to provide a secure method for sharing confidential legal data, right? Probably not. AIIM (the Association for Information and Image Management) reports that over 30 percent of employees implement their own cloud-based solution when none is provided by their organization. IT departments in law firms have been quick to crack down on external sharing systems but have been less speedy to provide safe and simple methods for lawyers and clients. It is time to change that. What Could Go Wrong? Many moons ago, I heard about a law firm that discovered its lawyers and clients were using an external sharing website to exchange documents. The IT department quickly restricted network access to the website and thought the situation was fixed. Weeks passed, and one day someone wondered aloud why all the lawyers were working in the conference room when they each had beautiful offices. It made no sense until IT realized that the conference room had unsecured Wi-Fi –– enabling the lawyers to keep sending documents to clients via the blocked website. Both lawyers and clients expect legal services delivery to keep up with modern technology and are not willing to use outdated systems. Lawyers want to satisfy clients, and firms providing modern content- sharing capabilities have a competitive advantage. Why not let lawyers use their cloud tool of choice and keep clients happy? » Ownership Issues. You know those long scrolling text boxes with small print that pop up when you use a new program, where you click "agree" to move on to the next step? Those oen appear by Dan Hunsinger of SeeUnity They Are Going To Share Files With or Without You

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