Does the claim have merit? Should we pay to settle the claim?
How much should we spend defending the case? What are the potential
discovery costs, specifically those related to e-discovery? Do we have all
the facts? Answers to these questions are typically based on judgment and
About the Author
Scott A. Milner, Partner at Morgan, Lewis
& Bockius LLP, focuses on representing
companies in all areas of e-discovery and
information governance. This includes
developing tailored strategies and discovery
management plans. Scott received his J.D.
from Villanova University School of Law.
Contact him at
Benef its of Measuring
E-Discovery Metrics
One of the biggest challenges for legal teams when faced
with litigation is determining the value and potential
costs of a case — and avoiding unexpected surprises.
About the Author
Rich Vestuto, Director of Deloitte Transactions
and Business Analytics LLP, provides insight,
leading practices and other technology-based
litigation and data retention strategies to
corporations and law firms. Rich earned his J.D.
at Touro Law School and attended Fordham
University's graduate school of business.
Contact him at
About the Author
Mike Hamilton, is the Demand Generation
Manager at Exterro. He is a legal and
marketing professional with a passion and
focus on creating thoughtful, out-of-the-
box campaigns that drive highly qualified
leads for sales. Mike earned his J.D. at the
University of Oregon. Contact him