Digital White Papers

Litigation and Practice Support — May 2015

publication of the International Legal Technology Association

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ILTA WHITE PAPER: MAY 2015 WWW.ILTANET.ORG 31 About the Author Jared Michael Coseglia is the founder and President of TRU Staffing Partners. With more than 12 years of experience representing talent in e-discovery, litigation support, cybersecurity and legal technology staffing, he has successfully placed over 1,800 professionals in full-time and temporary positions. Jared is a speaker and published author on trends in the legal technology job market. Contact him at Talk the Talk To Gain Professional Mobility The greatest professional obstacle for aspiring legal technology job seekers is not how to acquire new skill sets, but rather how to become adept at articulating their existing skills and experiences. Legal technology professionals generally suffer from the reverse of the modern cliché … they can walk the walk, but they can't talk the talk. Execution often comes easily for technologists, while communication proves challenging, both on the job and in pursuing a new job. As legal technology matures and software becomes more automated, the

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