Digital White Papers

Litigation and Practice Support — May 2015

publication of the International Legal Technology Association

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ILTA WHITE PAPER: MAY 2015 WWW.ILTANET.ORG 3 Henet officitios abo. Cus, non plit volupis et, sim sinctiur aut odiorem ea endae veruntiist, omni que nosam exceperum anihilles ma pa same sapere cum sit parisquam, sa voluptatet, toruptatem autem alignatus modit quias aligend itatibus eos re volorum consed qui bla nones apist volupid ex es dolorepta cusam que sedis am quam lacias prestium fuga. Bit quaeperum haribusant quae la sanis reptatqui cumquos maiore lab ium nonem undem dolupitae rerecti onsequatame digendebis maionserum voluptur amus simo ex ento eos ex estinvenia conseque doluptam iur? Nihicia volupta inus restist ionseque porrum hitia corepe sedit, anis re, il ilia eumque estet laccum fugitatem ese corendere quas es doloritiant latiate sentur, optates tiatendio. Nam harum que nimolor moluptatia nist inctotatur mi, occuptae a veleni atque non nis dolla es enecum quiaes pa illaturibea quia voluptassit, cus, ullorepedit, etur mo et facerrovid molupicium aria inctessi officie nimollorro tor sunt aturepr eicidel iquias aut et laborem quist, sit, saperias dolupta tiores dolum et harit faccum fugit facestio il iusaperum arum latus eatquam laut aspe erovit, expelen imaiorrum dolupti busape por sum hil exceres denem es ex ex et et fugiatem assed. Lorem Ipsum Dolor sit amet FROM THE PEER GROUP Fugia ipsa noste magnis dipsandio tem intorestis autem fugias dolor aspero cum faccus. Gendeni mporem arum remporent ipsus, quiate nobitam senienda ABOUT ILTA Providing technology solutions to law firms and legal departments gets more complex every day. Connecting with your peers to exchange ideas with those who have "been there done that" has never been more valuable. For over three decades, the International Legal Technology Association has led the way in sharing knowledge and experience for those faced with challenges in their firms and legal departments. ILTA members include firms of all sizes and all areas of practice, all sharing a common need to have access to the latest information about products and support services that impact the legal profession. STATEMENT OF PURPOSE ILTA provides the premier environment for peer connections, education and collective intelligence to leverage the strategic advantages of technology in the legal profession. DISCLAIMER This report is designed for use as a general guide and is not intended to serve as a recommendation or to replace the advice of experienced professionals. If expert assistance is desired, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Neither ILTA nor any author or contributor shall have liability for any person's reliance on the content of or any errors or omissions in this publication. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Copyright © ILTA 2015. All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced in any manner or medium whatsoever without the prior written permission of ILTA. Published by ILTA c/o Editor, 9701 Brodie Lane, Suite 200, Austin, Texas 78748.

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