ILTA White Papers

Infrastructure Technologies

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ILTA White Paper Infrastructure Technologies 30 set of customers are sure to be included as the vendors seek to differentiate themselves from other public clouds on value over cost. THINGS YOU SHOULD LOOK FOR IN A CLOUD VENDOR The due diligence in assessing the merits of a cloud vendor is not too different from finding your own colocation space. Beyond the usual focus points, there are a few cloud-specific things to consider. These include: • Lock-in Should you decide to move in a different direction, how difficult will it be to retrieve your data and systems and move on? Credible vendors will not make use of proprietary standards, formats or equipment that prevent you from ending service without difficulty. • Security Will the vendor tell you exactly how he or she ensures that your data is protected? If the vendor cannot or is unwilling to speak on this topic, you should wonder if you can put your trust in the company. • User Community Is the vendor serving applications to the public Internet? If so, this presents a different security profile to your current private LAN and should be carefully considered. • Audit Rights Do you have access to the vendor's data centers if you require them for a specific client? You might never need it, but it would be good to know that you have access before you become a customer. • Technology What is the vendor using to run its cloud, and are you comfortable with the use of that technology? If the vendor is using the same technology you are using in your existing data centers, you are likely to experience less translation issues bridging between the two. CHANGE IS COMING IaaS cloud computing has the potential to change the economics of the legal data center; speeding time to delivery of new services, reducing costs and allowing IT staff to focus their efforts on what gives their firms a competitive advantage. Although legitimate concerns exist, the emergence of cloud models like community clouds portend well for the adoptability of IaaS and PaaS cloud computing. Business continuity/disaster recovery is a low-risk, non-disruptive entry strategy which can save your firm money while your IT team gets comfortable with cloud infrastructure. ILTA

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