publication of the International Legal Technology Association
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ILTA WHITE PAPER: JUNE 2014 WWW.ILTANET.ORG 24 Designing your process can be the most time- consuming and administratively burdensome part of a rollout. Prepare for this phase with the following in mind: • Build a Team: Select a process development team with a strong lead. The team should include stakeholders who bring various perspectives, including litigation support, project management, associates, review attorneys, IT and data analysts/loaders. • Keep Things Moving: Maintaining momentum is easier said than done since one of the most challenging tasks in implementing a new solution is working with team members who could have overriding case demands. • Keep It Simple: Start with a high-level workflow and progressively break down the pieces into bite-sized chunks to avoid instituting a process that is overly complex. Avoid trying to account for every possible scenario. Focus on a process that is likely to address 80 percent of your needs. Don't get lost chasing down the 20 percent of "what ifs." • Document, Document, Document: The documentation team should shadow the process development team and create form templates for all documentation so there is a consistent and structured standard for documentation. Keep the documentation simple and concise. TEST, TEST, TEST Your physical checklist should have you "kicking the tires" on all aspects of the software, including printing, saving documents and files, remote accessibility and performance. Create a staging environment in advance of production to test performance. A staging environment might not be as robust as the production environment, but it should flag any performance issues. KNOW YOUR TOOLBOX Project teams will benefit from understanding the tools on a deeper level than pressing buttons per the manual. Although training might be time-consuming, the team will develop a sixth-sense understanding of how the tool works, which will empower them to provide thoughtful and adaptable solutions. DESIGN A TRAINING PROGRAM Comprehensive training of the litigation technology teams, including IT, can greatly improve the success of your implementation. Determine what you are trying to achieve with training. Most platforms are fairly intuitive — even to those who are less tech-savvy — so a linear review without the use of analytics can be demonstrated and retained by most users in a short amount of time. If users are searching and using advanced analytics to prioritize a review, a training program that shows all functionality at once can be overwhelming. JUST-IN-TIME TRAINING Vorys elected to do just-in-time training on Viewpoint. As the litigation technology team brought users on board, the case was evaluated so functionality needs were understood. Training was limited to what they needed at the time and was conducted one-on-one deskside or via a webinar. This allowed the firm to adjust the training for each user and save the attorneys valuable time. Just-in-time training also saves the litigation technology team time because training programs do not need to be updated every time a new software release comes out. FITTING A SOLUTION TO MEET THE NEEDS OF A WORKFLOW: IN-HOUSE