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MICHELLE MAHONEY MALLESONS STEPHEN JAQUES A Regional Look at the Evolution of Litigation Support F 12 or many regions, the phrase “electronic discovery” is synonymous with litigation support. Litigation support initially commenced with the use of legal professionals, known as paralegals, who typically provided quasi-legal services. In the late 1980s and ‘90s, many paralegals transitioned from a legal assistant role — cutting their teeth on hardcopy documents, Bates numbering and photocopying — into what is largely known today as litigation support. The litigation support pilgrimage encourages professionals to travel many paths; this less Litigation and Practice Support ILTA White Paper prescriptive route is at the heart of the profession’s lack of accreditation and entry level talent pool. I, like many litigation support professionals, strayed into this field and will remain within its gravitational pull for the majority of my career. I spoke with three other experts in this field and we have shared our regional perspectives — Jonathan Maas from London, England (U.K.), Kelly Inglese from Toronto, Canada, Scott Cohen from New York, United States (U.S.), and Michelle Mahoney (me) from Melbourne, Australia — and personal experiences from the litigation support journey thus far.