ILTA Awards


ILTA Awards

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Aalia Manie Head: Webber Wentzel Fusion Webber Wentzel A a l i a M a i n e i s t h e H e a d of We b b e r Wentzel Fusion at Webber Wentzel. Aalia is a lawyer, legal technologist, and entrepreneur focusing on driving impactful legal technology solutions. With a background in IP and technology l a w, s h e s p e a r h e a d e d r e g u l a t o r y reforms. She later gained operational experience in a technology startup before returning to innovate and deliver advanced legal solutions for the firm and its clients. As the Head of Fusion at Webber Wentzel, Aalia performs client-facing advisory work and designs a n d i m p l e m e n t s t h e A I a n d l e g a l t e c h n o l o g y strategy for one of South Africa's leading law firms. She contributes to South Africa's legal community through ecosystem enablement, community support, a n d p e r s o n a l m e n to r i n g / c o a c h i n g of t a l e n te d and previously disadvantaged individuals. Aalia makes a meaningful and tangible difference in her community by considering the unique challenges and opportunities faced by South Africa and its people. She serves as a founding advisory board member of the South African AI Association, advocating for the responsible use of AI-powered legal technology. Historically, the legal technology landscape in South Africa lagged behind global standards. This delay is LINKEDIN /aaliam ILTA AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE 2024 8

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