ILTA Awards


ILTA Awards

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Caryn Sandler Partner + Chief Knowledge and Innovation Officer Gilbert + Tobin C aryn Sandler is a Partner and Chief K n o w l e d ge a n d I n n ov a t i o n O f f i c e r a t G i l b e r t + To b i n . C a r y n ove r s e e s specialized services to enhance legal service delivery and develop new tools for the firm and its clients. Her extensive r e c o g n i t i o n i n i n n ov a t i o n a n d h e r leadership roles in various organizations reflect her commitment to advancing legal education. A p i o n e e r o f i n n ov a t i o n i n t h e l e g a l p r o c e s s , technology, and capability, Caryn transformed Gilbert + Tobin's (G+T) service delivery and functions as a catalyst for change across the legal tech industry. She is part of the Legal Service Innovation (LSI) team and G+T Innovate, positioning both as essential to high- value legal services. Under her leadership, embedding technology has become business as usual at G+T. Through G+T Innovate, Caryn is essential in supporting i n - h o u s e l e g a l t e a m s , d e ve l o p i n g t e c h n o l o g y roadmaps, navigating the complex and overlapping legal technology ecosystem, implementing legal technologies, and creating pathways for changes needed to support these efforts. G+T has actively used AI platforms since 2010 in eDiscovery and due diligence. Caryn aids the firm with AI and Gen AI tools, like OpenAI/ChatGPT. Under her leadership, G+T formed an AI task force, steering LINKEDIN /caryn-sandler-50734638 ILTA AWARDS OF EXCELLENCE 2024 1 2

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