
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

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8 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | F A L L 2 0 2 4 In today's legal technology landscape, industry knowledge is no longer a prerequisite to becoming a legal technologist, especially for those from a technology background. Similarly, deep technical expertise or coding skills are not mandatory for individuals with a legal background. A legal technologist plays the unique role of existing in both the legal and technological fields, understanding both fields and using their expertise to craft solutions that could not be reached without merging the two. Barriers Towards Embracing the New Voices of Technology While the benefits of incorporating innovative technologies into the legal sector are clear, barriers exist to fully embracing the technology and welcoming the new voices that will continue to be instrumental in its implementation. From ethical and regulatory hurdles to ingrained cultural resistance, overcoming these obstacles requires an open-minded approach that listens to and values the new voices joining the community of legal professionals. Legal Ethics and Regulatory Challenges The legal industry is heavily regulated, with a complex web of federal and state laws governing various aspects of practice. This regulatory system creates an ethos that can inadvertently stifle the adoption of new technologies and ideas, particularly those that challenge traditional norms. Strict ethical codes and professional conduct rules govern the legal profession itself. The practical application of regulatory systems is sometimes at odds with the rapid pace of technological innovation. Rules prohibiting conflicts of interest might prevent law firms from taking on specific clients if their AI, GAI, or LLM- powered tools were trained on data from opposing parties. Concerns over maintaining client confidentiality, avoiding conflicts of interest, and upholding professional standards can create hesitancy toward embracing new technologies and methodologies without robust safeguards. Mixed Messages from the Judiciary on AI and GAI Regarding the most important emerging technology in legal practice—AI and GAI—one More Resources Online Use the new search feature at iltanet.org to find lots of resources from podcasts, session materials, webinar recordings and more! As the demand for legal technology continues to soar, the role of legal technologists becomes increasingly pivotal and ever more varied.

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