
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

Issue link: https://epubs.iltanet.org/i/1521210

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65 I L T A N E T . O R G These proprietary Virtual Assistants serve diverse functions, from project management and data extraction to drafting documents and marketing content. Technology adoption has necessitated changes in firm culture and operational policies, including introducing ethics courses and Gen AI policies to mitigate risks. Continuous monitoring and training ensure that the use of these Virtual Assistants aligns with firm standards, emphasizing the importance of prompt engineering skills to derive the most accurate and relevant results from AI interactions. The Value Proposition of AI in Legal Operations Integrating Gen AI into the core operations of law firms promises to revolutionize the way legal professionals work. Automating routine tasks enables lawyers to focus on more complex and strategic aspects of their cases. Moreover, Virtual Assistants can enhance internal knowledge management, allowing legal teams to access relevant information swiftly and make informed decisions. However, integrating Gen AI into legal practices requires addressing key challenges, including data security, privacy, and compliance. Instead of traditional per-user fees, a usage-based pricing model offers a scalable solution that can adapt to a law firm's varying needs, ensuring that the technology is accessible to all organization members. Looking Ahead: The Future of Gen AI in Law The journey towards fully integrating Gen AI technologies into the daily workflow of legal professionals is just beginning. The potential benefits are immense, from increased productivity to automating time-consuming tasks. However, realizing these benefits will necessitate supporting legal professionals through the transition, including training on new technologies and adapting job roles to leverage Gen AI effectively. The democratization of Gen AI in law firms, facilitated by AI Virtual Assistants, represents a critical step towards harnessing the full potential of Gen AI in legal practices. Making this technology accessible to all law firm members, from lawyers to administrative staff, can significantly enhance efficiency, improve client services, and foster a more collaborative and informed legal practice. As the legal industry evolves, embracing Gen AI and its capabilities will be vital to staying competitive and delivering superior legal services. ILTA Ragav Jagannathan is the President & Group CEO of KL Software Technologies, offering software and services that are focused on enterprise collaboration and content, hybrid mobility, cloud, and AI. Their Virtual Assistant software KLapper allows firms to create no- code DIY Virtual Assistants powered by Generative AI in minutes.

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