
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

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7 I L T A N E T . O R G F R O M T H E E D I T O R As those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere are well past the start of spring and speeding into summer, ILTAns in the Southern Hemisphere are finishing fall and preparing for winter. While the seasons we're experiencing are certainly different, those of us who call this little space-rock home are collectively a few days away from 2024's mid-point mark. Does it feel like time is racing by yet almost expanding to hold the vast number of happenings we've already experienced this year? Perhaps this feeling is a temporal reflection of something larger stirring within humanity's collective consciousness—a cultural zeitgeist encouraging us to evolve beyond outdated, dualistic paradigms and participate in creating new ways of understanding and interacting with each other and the planetary home we share. It is impossible to accurately assess whether future historians will point to our present-day reality as a watershed moment in humankind's evolutionary journey. We can conclude (with confidence not solidified twelve months ago) that our present place in time will be identified as the period when the emergence of a specific type of technological advancement revolutionized the institutional pillars of industrialized nations. How that process unfolds is a section of our collective story that is not yet written. Every member of ILTA's global community can contribute (whether publicly or behind the scenes) to creating the emerging narrative. You are the legal technologists of today and tomorrow who are revolutionizing the institutional pillars of law within our societies. Although there is almost an incomprehensible responsibility that accompanies the privilege of serving as legal tech professionals through this paradigm shift, experiences with ILTAn community members over the past six months substantiate my belief that this specific responsibility—to guide legal professionals through the dawn of the technological advancements we now identify as generative AI (Gen AI) and machine learning—couldn't have been placed in better hands! This 2024 Spring issue of Peer to Peer is a testament to the treasure-trove of knowledge, expertise, innovation, and thought leadership present within and fostered by ILTA communities. Articles inside ask us to reflect upon what we've learned through the past twelve to eighteen months of navigating the "trials and tribulations in Gen AI," plan for a future that builds from these learnings and take proactive steps in the present to ensure the responsible adoption of Gen AI-driven technology by legal entities and professionals. Which factors determine our collective understanding of how Gen AI works, or how it is and can be programmed to function? What definitions of "responsible (Gen) AI usage" will legal sectors across the globe choose to adopt? How can we take steps, now, to correct our course and prevent worsening the consequences of perpetuating deeply embedded cultural biases that attempt to justify the inequity and social injustices experienced by marginalized populations? These are some of the big-picture issues addressed by authors who contributed to this issue. If you've been searching for practical advice to inform decisions about incorporating Gen AI-powered technology into daily workflows at your firm or organization, then grab your preferred note-taking device and make sure to bookmark this Peer to Peer! For, the ILTAn authors who contributed to this collection offer a wealth of tips, best practices, and advice necessary for planning and navigating various stages of assessing your firm's organizational needs, choosing the appropriate product, and building an implementation strategy to minimize risks and optimize deliverables. We may not have clarity around the impact that Gen AI advancements and adoption by legal sectors around the world will have on future generations. But we do know that now, perhaps more than ever, it is essential to share trustworthy information and lean into collaborative endeavors as we explore the expansive opportunities for innovation offered by emerging technologies, like Gen AI. Happy reading, ILTAns! ILTA Peer to Peer I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E S P R I N G 2 0 2 4 I S S U E # 1 V O L . 4 0 Editor Crystal Little Creative Director Kendall Lazorchak Ad Sales Tyler Howes Disclaimer: This report is designed for use as a general guide and is not intended to serve as a recommendation or to replace the advice of experienced professionals. If expert assistance is desired, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Neither ILTA nor any author or contributor shall have liability for any person's reliance on the content of or any errors or omissions in this publication. Copyright © ILTA 2024 All rights reserved. No part of this report may be reproduced in any manner or medium whatsoever without the prior written permission of ILTA. To request permission for use, contact publications@ iltanet.org. Published by ILTA c/o Editor, 159 N. Sangamon Suite 200, Chicago, IL 60607. Crystal Little Editor of Content & Publications, ILTA

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