
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

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59 I L T A N E T . O R G initiatives, and one strategy for overcoming that challenge. Resistance to change can stem from a lack of understanding or fear of the impact it will have. Clear communication on the benefits of AI and IG, coupled with comprehensive training, can reduce this challenge. When implementing change management practices, focus on communication and engagement to demonstrate the value and benefits of AI and IG enhancements. • Data silos: Data stored in isolated systems within different departments makes it challenging to implement a cohesive AI strategy. Encouraging collaboration across departments and investing in integrated data management systems can break down these silos. To overcome this, promote interdepartmental cooperation and invest in unified data management platforms that integrate data from various sources, allowing for more cohesion. • Technology limitations: Outdated technology infrastructure may not support advanced AI applications. Conducting a technology assessment and investing in necessary upgrades are critical steps. Schedule time to conduct a comprehensive technology assessment and budget the funds required to make strategic investments in upgrading infrastructure to support AI capabilities effectively. • Skill gaps: A lack of AI and data science expertise within the firm can hinder IG and AI initiatives. Offering specialized training or hiring experts can bridge this gap. Identify existing or develop training programs and workshops on AI and data science for existing staff and consider hiring or partnering with experts to fill immediate needs. • Regulatory compliance: Developing a thorough understanding of applicable regulations and embedding compliance into the IG framework is essential. Establish a dedicated team to monitor regulatory changes and integrate compliance requirements into the AI and IG framework from the outset. • Data quality issues: Implementing rigorous data management and quality assurance processes can address this issue. Initiate data quality improvement projects that include regular audits, cleansing processes, and the implementation of data quality monitoring tools. Without a strong IG foundation, AI initiatives may underperform or fail to achieve their potential. After addressing the challenges of aligning IG with AI, it's essential to explore how AI can, in turn, enhance IG practices. AI technologies offer innovative data management, privacy, and compliance solutions, highlighting a reciprocal relationship where AI benefits from strong IG and contributes to its advancement. The role of AI in enhancing information governance Law firms can benefit from various AI technologies, with machine learning (ML) enabling predictive analytics to forecast legal outcomes based on historical data. Natural language processing (NLP) aids in processing and understanding large volumes of legal documents, extracting relevant information, and even drafting legal documents. Let's not forget the current fascination with large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. Diving into the deep end of what each of these forms of AI does and how they work requires a significantly longer article. Here are a few examples of how these technologies can be used in broad strokes.

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