Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine
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74 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | S P R I N G 2 0 2 4 be challenging to uncover manually due to the sheer wealth of data. • Video Footage: One of the biggest challenges in reviewing video footage – like home security systems, CCTV clips, dashboards, body-worn cameras, or cell phone videos – is manually processing hours upon hours of content. Though essential to any case, it can be an incredibly time- consuming and tedious task sorting through footage to find relevant content. Today's AI technology can effectively and efficiently analyze footage to identify objects, enhance images, and even recognize faces, all in a fraction of the time traditionally spent on such reviews. • Audio Recordings: Audio evidence from 911 calls, jail calls, phone recordings, and video sources often comprise lengthy recordings with extended pauses. Poor sound quality frequently hampers transcription efforts, making it challenging for attorneys to access and utilize relevant audio information in their cases. AI can help enhance audio quality, quickly review lengthy audio files, and organize and identify the data in ways that make it simple for legal professionals to access critical information. It can also convert that same audio evidence into text, providing a written transcript that enables reviewers to read through the material evidence rather than listen. Once armed with a newly created text document, AI can run the same analysis, sorting, categorizing, and filtering tasks as noted above, pulling even more insights from the audio source. Actionable Intelligence – Understanding the Evidence As AI-driven technology advances, so will its potential to assist in legal matters. Whereas traditional AI solves specific tasks with predefined rules, Gen AI focuses on creating new content and data, including automatically providing additional insights from legal research. Gen AI can prove valuable in providing more proactive actions, generating immediate summaries of documents, and providing actionable, valuable intelligence and additional insights so that attorneys and legal professionals can more easily act on and process materials. It can identify conflicting statements, flagging inconsistencies between elements in the digital evidence and witness testimonies. It can also help piece together disparate evidence, structuring the data to create a timeline of events that could help unravel complicated cases. F E A T U R E S "Whereas traditional AI solves specific tasks with predefined rules, Gen AI focuses on creating new content and data."