
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

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52 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | S P R I N G 2 0 2 4 be designed with heightened traceability and citation accessibility. Gen AI interpretability is expected to get more lawyers on board since it streamlines AI validation. Add that to the fact that most legal professionals are already thinking about validation: they already understand how validation and AI-assisted processes go hand in hand and may have already built out those workflows for traditional AI like TAR. Interpretability that supports validation combined with a seamless UI means that the barrier to entry for Gen AI is much lower and, it seems that we are at the forefront of a primary significant AI arms race that will move Gen AI from an efficiency tool into a cornerstone of legal work. E-Discovery Opportunities The most profound area in which Gen AI is expected to transform legal work is e-discovery, which was already ripe for innovation when TAR surfaced in the 2000s. Gen AI has numerous, far-reaching applications in modern e-discovery compared to traditional AI tools like TAR, which focuses narrowly on one piece of the e-discovery puzzle (assisted review). Here are a few examples: • Assisted Review and Search: With Gen AI, lawyers don't need complex search terms, filtering, or thirty- page queries to gather relevant documents. They manually input the subpoena, brief, or other guiding documentation, interrogate the system directly, and watch it logically (though seemingly magically) pull forth responsive documents with detailed explanations as to why-–shortening several steps of the process, including search and verification. Gen AI can also assist with privacy best practices by identifying potentially sensitive information and redacting it automatically. • Legal Holds – Custodian Identification and Preservation: Further left on the EDRM, lawyers can leverage GAI to quickly and accurately identify custodians that need to be placed on hold before collection by using the data available in the system–– and it doesn't stop there. Gen AI can automatically identify and place custodians' relevant data on hold for collection during preservation. Legal hold is a very time-sensitive process (moving quickly reduces the likelihood of losing important information), but it's also very time-consuming. Gen AI can solve both challenges simultaneously and learn from historical litigation work to get brighter and faster over time. • Reporting: E-discovery reporting, one of the major pains of working within a modern legal software stack, will be entirely revolutionized by Gen AI. The tool provides a flexible, built-in reporting system that precisely interprets lawyers' needs without additional tech support. Thanks to Gen AI's conversational UI, users ask the system for the e-discovery data they want (i.e., "What is the file distribution per custodian?") and use simple qualitative prompts to hone that data further or format the report. As a result, Gen AI could eliminate the need to build custom dashboards or make expensive hires to manage e-discovery data. • Click Minimization: On that note, the ability to talk to the system to extract relevant information drastically cuts down on time spent across the entire e-discovery cycle. For example, on legacy systems, lawyers need a filter to see emails between two individuals within a specific date range. To do so, they must build out a query, test it, validate it, reiterate, but with Gen AI, they can insert a prompt to pull up ESI between A and B within a specific date range. This click F E A T U R E S

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