
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

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58 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | W I N T E R 2 0 2 3 What to look for in a print management solution nQ Zebraworks has a long history of delivering workflow solutions to Law Firms. We have decades of experience in how you manage your print infrastructure, what is required to embed and integrate into your firm's MFDs, and how firms can digitize and route documents. Our all- in-one solution provides all the features you need: • PrintQ for the secure release of documents at the device and capture of mobile, e-mail and guest prints. PrintQ allows users to release on any convenient or available device. PrintQ helps reduce waste and protects the confidentiality of your client's information. • ScanQ for the capture and routing of physical documents with our innovative Queues technology to ensure scanning is quick and documents can be profiled into the right location where it is most convenient for users. • CostQ for the capture of costs, including print and copy, so you can bill them back to your clients. Our Command Center platform already manages devices and device configurations for the purpose of cost recovery, print release, and digitization of documents at the MFD. With PrintQ 3.0, the Command Center is extended to support: • Print Driver Management Command Center manages your print drivers, downloading them automatically to clients via the PrintQ 3.0 Agent when it is setting up and configuring queues. Drivers can be easily upgraded when new versions are released, and these upgrades will automatically be pushed out to all desktops and print queues that use the driver. This significantly reduces the administrative burden normally associated with print driver updates. • Print Queue and Queue Configuration Management Command Center allows firms to create queues against devices, specifying which driver to use and which set of configurations should be applied. These queues will be set up on a client's workstation when a queue is deployed, or a user chooses to connect to that queue using the PrintQ 3.0 Client. Queue Configurations include additional paper trays, finishers, and other printer options, as well as printing defaults such as duplex or B&W/Greyscale. • Automatic Queue Deployment With Command Center and PrintQ 3.0, firms can use AD Security Groups to define groups of users or computers that should automatically receive print queues. This avoids creating complex group policy objects and scripts generally associated with print queue deployments. • Queue Security With PrintQ 3.0, users have an intuitive user interface to help them find and connect to print devices. However, some queues may need to be restricted, so the Command Center supports the hiding of queues from users based on their AD group memberships. Firms can lock down the device in secure areas such as HR or the Copy Center to just those users who can print to them. F E A T U R E S

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