Digital White Papers


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I L T A W H I T E P A P E R & S U R V E Y R E S U L T S | L I T I G A T I O N & P R A C T I C E S U P P O R T 12 I L T A ' S 2 0 2 3 L I T I G A T I O N & P R A C T I C E S U P P O R T S U R V E Y R E S U L T S Litigation Support & Generative AI The survey results for the potential of Large Language Model Generative AI in Discovery Management were consistent across the board for the following categories: How do You Plan or Anticipate using LLM Generative AI for Discovery Management? • Creating timeline / chronologies with or without linked documents • Summarizing data sets from clients / opposing counsel productions • Summarizing documents (e.g. contracts) and suggesting clearer language • Summarizing transcripts / testimony • Do not know Document Review programs continue to range from the market leaders down to lesser-known options. Notably, the survey asks for 'Review Software' choices, so we do not define specific features, options, or workflows that pertain to Review. The results for machine learning were significant in that firms consider using machine learning tools 40% of the time. We do not have further metrics to understand if that is a casual or documented process, and I suspect that a review of a certain size is automatically excluded from consideration to help account for that split. Review Software

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