
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

Issue link: https://epubs.iltanet.org/i/1508143

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Page 49 of 86

50 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | F A L L 2 0 2 3 Earth Fly-ins, allowing a clear recording of the witness's manipulations of the evidence. Using an intelligent approach can also capture intricate interactions within digital spreadsheets, such as inter-cell calculations, drop-down selections and formulas. The resulting files can be synchronized with the deposition transcript, facilitating easier review and presentation. This technology is transforming the way native evidence is presented and interacted with during depositions. • Advanced Exhibit Organization: With advanced exhibit organization, all exhibits for a case are compiled into a single, easily navigable package that is highly portable and accessible from any device. • Paperless Exhibit Management: A secure, internet-based exhibit management solution enables the marking, viewing and maintaining of exhibits electronically. Users can upload potential exhibits from their computer or directly from their case management platforms. Going paperless eradicates the need for physical boxes and binders of exhibits, providing lawyers with the flexibility to access their exhibits from their laptop or tablet at any deposition, arbitration or hearing. • Video Exhibits-as-a-Service: Turnkey solutions for the creation and management of video evidence enable legal teams to prepare compelling exhibits such as event reconstructions, day-in-the- life recordings, site inspections and other multimedia evidence forms. • Multimedia Depositions: A multimedia approach to depositions can help make case presentation more effective by using picture-in-picture technology to simultaneously display exhibits with the deponent, creating powerful courtroom-ready videos. These videos can show the deponent's reactions to exhibits or mark or point to key areas of each exhibit displayed and are managed through a central console ensuring that everyone involved has access to the same detailed information, increasing transparency. On the Horizon Other emerging technologies are reshaping the traditional practices of testimonial evidence handling and processing. F E A T U R E S "This technology is transforming the way native evidence is presented and interacted with during depositions."

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