P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | F A L L 2 0 2 3
• Periodic Review Boards: Convene regular boards,
comprising tech and legal experts, to vet and validate
AI tools, ensuring they remain compliant and ethical.
S Y N E R G Y O F L A W A N D T E C H :
As tech becomes an integral part of law, there's a dire need
for frameworks that respect the sanctity of law while
leveraging tech innovations.
As code meets the courtroom,
there's an imminent need for an
enriched understanding.
• C o l l a b o r a t i v e
Curriculums: Law
schools partner with tech
institutes, crafting courses
that offer coding skills and
legal reasoning.
• D e c i s i o n - m a k i n g
Dashboards: Real-time
platforms that provide
legal professionals insights
on how AI tools influence
judgments, ensuring a
balance between machine
suggestions and human
I M P A C T- D R I V E N L E G A L A I :
Beyond the buzz and the algorithms, the essence of
AI in law lies in its real-world impact. Every tool,
every application must be assessed, not just for its tech
prowess but for its implications and impact on various
stakeholders and society at large. This ensures that AI
acts as an ally, championing justice and equity. Beyond the
immediate, understanding the long-term societal impacts
of AI is paramount.
• Longitudinal Studies: Tracking the effects of AI-
led decisions over extended periods, gauging their
societal implications.
• Stakeholder Feedback
Systems: Platforms that collect
feedback from everyone affected
by AI-led legal decisions,
whether immediate parties or
the broader community.
Armed with these
comprehensive insights, the
Task Force envisions a legal
world where AI is both a tool and
a trusted ally, amplifying the
best aspects of human judgment
without compromising ethics.
Bridging gaps through
grassroots discussions, the
Task Force is inviting, listening,
and adapting. Their draft
principles, housed under the
Creative Commons framework,
are shared with legal pillars like the ABA, aiming to create
a cohesive, national approach to AI in law.
Imagine a legal world enhanced by AI yet grounded
in ethical and societal values. The Task Force is laser-
focused on this vision. We've crafted guiding principles
by drawing wisdom from legal eagles, tech titans, and
visionary leaders. And guess what? Your insights could
sharpen them even more!
The cherry on top? Their periodic "forum series."
gaps through
discussions, the
Task Force is
inviting, listening,
and adapting."