
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

Issue link: https://epubs.iltanet.org/i/1502513

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30 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 3 regarding how much work is being done and who is doing it. They also noted that the product allowed them to distribute work by expertise. Firms have administrative people who don't have the experience to handle legal documents, but they may have the ability to do some of the other tasks. Laura Hartnett, founder and legal consultant at Law By Design LLC, led a session entitled "Using a Framework for Legal Innovation." Her content was compelling, essentially describing the design thinking model, emphasizing empathy, curiosity, and refraining from judgement. One hour is far too short to convey these concepts to a group previously unfamiliar with them. Laura did a wonderful job with the allotted time, but I believe this session could have easily become a lively three-hour workshop, given the breadth of content involved in providing even an overview of the design thinking process. The last session I attended was about legal support in a virtual environment. Ashley Frisch, Senior Director of Legal Support for Rimon, was the speaker. Her firm split off into two groups: the lawyers and the support team. The latter is now Novalaw, which was acquired by a private equity firm. She spoke about her own environment and how they maintain it using monthly team-building exercises by practice group, quarterly department team building, and mentorship. They perpetuate a culture of appreciation, which becomes more important when a team is virtual. Their onboarding process was interesting. They send new employees a laptop, two monitors, a camera, a headset, and a docking station. They do NOT send printers. IT, HR and the practice area manager are all involved in the onboarding process and new hires are not available to work for attorneys for a week while they are trained. Closing out the conference, I attended a fireside chat with Worldox users – and Michelle Spencer joined me for a lively discussion with this group. We answered questions that Worldox users had, such as confirming we are continuing to support the Worldox on-prem platform, and they also asked very thoughtful questions around the NetDocuments cloud – and were able to hear real- life success stories of what firms are experiencing after switching to NetDocuments. And with that, another ALA Annual Conference came to a close. It was great to connect with everyone in person again and engage in stimulating conversations about law firm technology. Now, I look forward to seeing everyone at ILTACON in August! ILTA F E A T U R E S Rebecca Sattin is an Experienced Chief Information Of ficer at NetDocs, with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry as well as the legal vertical. Strong information technology professional skilled in Hands-on Training, Windows Desktops and Ser vers, Of fice 365, Document Management, Ser vers, and Active Directory. Superior communication skills; delivered cyber-security information to law firm professionals and facilitated design thinking workshops.

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