Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine
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36 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | F A L L 2 0 2 2 business from the disruptions that come with disasters out of their control. As the COVID-19 pandemic hit the U.S. in early Spring of 2020, Selanders told us just how clear the value of NetDocuments became. JS: When I took over as Chair of the Firm in 2017, I asked about our disaster plan and was told 'you take your computer, and you go home and work.' That's the power that a mature cloud DMS like NetDocuments gave us. The legal technology marketplace is increasingly crowded, with features and functions often feeling similar or within reach of a competitor. What should really be the determining factor is whether or not a technology vendor understands your needs, stays informed on industry developments, and anticipates new regulations you will have to meet. In our experience, NetDocuments is just such a vendor and will continue to provide Kutak Rock with the competitive advantage we need to work inspired. I've sat in on the customer advisory boards and NetDocuments actually listens. They are anything but stagnant and look to practicing lawyers on how to continually improve and dial- in the service. ILTA F E A T U R E S Jay Selanders is a Partner at Kutak Rock and served as Firm Chair from 2017 to 2022.He has more than 35 years of corporate law experience . In 2018, after 34 years of military service, Jay retired from the Kansas Air National Guard as a Brigadier General. He was the assistant Adjutant General-Air, and Commander, Kansas Air National Guard. Jay is a veteran KC-135 pilot. He f lew in Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm, where he received the Distinguished Flying Cross for his actions in recovering a badly damaged aircraft. Throughout his career, Jay has represented corporations, financial institutions and manufacturers in a wide range of matters pertaining to commercial credit and lending, real estate loans and transactions and the representation of creditors in bankruptcy. He has particular expertise in dealing with automotive finance and franchise issues, and regularly represented lenders and franchisors in commercial transactions and bankruptcy matters across the country. A R E Y O U I N T E R E S T E D I N L E A R N I N G A T I P A W E E K F R O M I L T A ? Check out our ongoing and innovative YouTube channel and get a Tip of the Week! Subscribe for Free now and join us!