
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

Issue link: https://epubs.iltanet.org/i/1472128

Contents of this Issue


Page 60 of 92

61 I L T A N E T . O R G types of communication planned for the project and their status. Create: "Template" Site in SharePoint Now that you and your team have decided on the project artifact template(s) details, next create a "PMO Template" SharePoint site. In order to create the template, you will either need to be somewhat SharePoint proficient, engage someone in your Firm that is proficient, or outsource to a vendor. Our PMO Template site: Execution: Create a Team site based off the PMO template Your SharePoint or Teams Administrator can leverage the template to add it to new "Teams" requests for projects. Refer to the following Microsoft pages: • Apply and customize SharePoint site templates • Create teams quickly with Templates in Microsoft Teams Now, every new Teams site created for a project is consistent making navigation of the site easy for our project team members and end users. Streamlining this allows the Project Managers to focus on getting the initiative started, efficiency gained! Voila! Now, we have the core tools needed to begin the project: Thank goodness for Automation! ILTA

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