Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine
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56 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | S P R I N G 2 0 2 2 • Create a Teams site for each project. • Provide awareness to those on the project team that may not have been cc'd on an email. For example, can you imagine cc'ing a CIO on every email? Our CIO is a member of most Teams and even if he isn't tagged, he has a peek into the project without waiting for a status update. • Use Teams' conversations to streamline communication and reduce the confusion of someone responding to an email that isn't the most recent. From the Posts tab, click New Conversation to get the discussion started. Through format feature, add a bold subject line for quick recognition within Posts. By the very nature, conversations via Posts invites channel members to participate. • Save project artifacts under "Files" for easier document collaboration. A particular file can be easily be pinned to the channel as a "tab" for easy access by anyone on the project team. As you add files to conversations, they are automatically added to Files. It is helpful to review the organization of your Files tab periodically and move the files to the desired location. • Conduct scheduled or meet now video meetings or simply call right from Teams. • Add a Notebook (aka OneNote) for each project. Add your notebook as a tab on the site for easier access. If you haven't already incorporated this tool to your workflow, we highly recommend it. A shared OneNote notebook adds a layer of collaboration that is unmatched in one application (e.g., storing critical project communications, emails, and meeting notes for review and reference, research). You can also standardize the tabs in the Notebook for your projects, see screenshot, for easier viewing and consistency across your projects. F R O M T H E T E C H S O L U T I O N S C C T