
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

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38 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | S P R I N G 2 0 2 2 necessary. The attorney's experience of receiving an email message remains consistent and familiar because it is the same mechanism, but the email they receive from the digital mailroom offers far more utility. Airmail2 notifications include a secure link to the digital document, a thumbnail image, and information about the mail item that enables recipients to make decisions and take next steps, including whether the physical mail needs to be kept for legal record keeping purposes. Attorneys always have the option to flag any physical mail item they want kept, but it is getting rare for that to be required by a government entity or the courts. The mail notification message is multi-purpose: • It has import to the addressee • It represents a task to the practice team • It is a step forward in the efficiency of handing-off paper The simple and quick alert of incoming mail should contain enough information to triage and accurately file the digital document. This better facilitates any further work on the related matter. Delivery of digital mail is faster because it eliminates all worker location constraints that are the result of handling physical mail manually. For example, a law firm spending $3,000 per month to pay for courier drivers to deliver physical mail to attorneys working at home fails to compare, of course. Speed wins. Mailroom Operators: Simplicity and Reliability From the mailroom perspective, this work can feel like a grind, so they need help with repetitive portions of this time sensitive task. The Airmail2 software enables quick labeling of each item based on information visible on the envelope. Everything else is pre-configured according to routing rules in the software. Scanning and quality control can be done separately to batch the work with simple checklists. When the operator is done, they need to verify the delivery status, image quality and page count. That mail delivery session is then closed, and the operator starts the next one. If needed, they can easily go back to retrieve and fix a mail item. Paper handling is constrained within a few feet of the front door rather than travelling further inside the building. Or worse, travelling miles further outside the building. Most importantly, the documents get to their intended recipients fast. Records Managers: Integration with the Matter File For Records Managers, digital mailroom requirements are to clear the clutter and capture the true documents as early as possible in the digital matter file. With permission to shred after scan and with reasonable quality controls, mailroom and information governance (IG) staff can F E A T U R E S "Delivery of digital mail is faster because it eliminates all worker location constraints that are the result of handling physical mail manually."

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