
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

Issue link: https://epubs.iltanet.org/i/1463380

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Page 31 of 72

32 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | S P R I N G 2 0 2 2 iManage Threat Manager iManage Threat Manager is an add-on product available on-premises and in the cloud. Depending upon the cloud subscription chosen, it may be included in a law firm's package. iManage Threat Manager is a monitoring service that delivers threat detection, monitoring, forensic investigation, alerts and reporting to protect sensitive information in iManage Work. Threat Manager monitors every user according to variables (large data transactions) administrators set and alerts the administrators whenever one is out of compliance. iManage Threat Manager was designed to meet the needs of CIOs, CSOs and compliance officers who are charged with protecting sensitive data. Threat Manager uses historical and contextual information in the iManage system to provide fast identification of both external and internal threats and avoids the false positives that plague many other approaches. Users can manage and reduce the risk associated with lateral departures, employee attrition and user error. The add-on protects sensitive information with cutting-edge technology and advanced forensics that will detect threats faster to safeguard critical work. iManage Records Manager iManage Records Manager is an add-on product available in the cloud and on-premises. Legal professionals can use iManage Records Manager to manage both electronic and physical records on any device and from any location. The web-based interface provides governance and legal hold capabilities for physical files, electronic documents and emails, ensuring information is retained based on retention policies and then disposed of when it reaches end of life. Law firms can manage both physical and electronic records without slowing down legal professionals by using integrated governance policies that monitor and enforce compliance. With seamless iManage Work integration, iManage Records Manager controls risk, reduces cost and increases user adoption. iManage Records Manager provides flexible retention policies that can be applied to content in iManage Work and Records Manager, as well as Windows file shares and other systems. It incorporates a single policy control system, eliminating the need to control and manage records retention policies across multiple systems. Conclusion As the security and threat landscape continues to evolve and create ever more complex challenges, iManage strives to meet these challenges with various products. Through intelligent document and email management, iManage turns the information locked in business content and communications into actionable knowledge. Building upon iManage with these other products allows legal professionals to know that they are working smarter, productively and securely. ILTA Sharee Schuchardt is a senior systems engineer with Innovative Computing Systems, Inc. With over 15 years of IT experience, she has specialized in iManage support for nearly a decade. Sharee can be reached at sschuchardt@innovativecomp.com F E A T U R E S Elizabeth DeLuna, a systems engineer with Innovative Computing Systems, Inc., has specialized in iManage support for most of her career. Elizabeth can be reached at edeluna@innovativecomp.com.

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