
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

Issue link: https://epubs.iltanet.org/i/1439196

Contents of this Issue


Page 18 of 106

19 I L T A N E T . O R G Summary Putting data in the cloud is easy. Managing it properly is harder, but achievable with talent, focus, and review. Keeping data secure in the cloud requires ongoing effort as the attack vectors continue to change, and some of that effort will be in up-front contract review (including the exit route) and ongoing audit rather than implementing controls yourself. It appears that the majority of large law firms will be consuming a significant amount of cloud services by the end of 2022. Ultimately, the tipping point for migrating to the cloud will be different for each firm and, as the survey data showed, different on a service-by-service basis as well.

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