
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

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26 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | W I N T E R 2 0 2 1 including periodic reports and check-in meetings, keeps firm executives informed and reinforces IT's reputation as accountable, prepared, and responsible when it comes to securing the software supply chain. Develop a process for notifying executives if a breach occurs via a software vendor and a cyber incident response process and revise those processes over time as needed. Instill confidence in the firm's leadership that IT is protecting the firm and its assets. These steps will assist IT in requesting any additional budget required to keep the firm and its clients safe from security threats. Law firms have the herculean task of ensuring the security of their software supply chain. By understanding what software the firm relies upon, firms can better define the scope of their vendor risk management programs. Firms should engage their software vendors as allies in this process, ensuring that they have appropriate security controls in place and provide accountability to their law firm customers. By following the above checklist, law firm IT professionals can keep the firm secure and reinforce their value to the firm's leadership. ILTA F E A T U R E S David Carter is the Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Aderant, an ILTA Platinum sponsor and global industry-leading business management software provider for law firms. David has an in-depth background in on-premise and cloud-based/SaaS technology management and support, having worked at mainstream tech providers and consulting firms, including Unisys, S1 Corporation, and Accenture, before joining Aderant. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Alabama and an MBA from the University of Chicago's Booth School of Business. I LT A T V S P O T L I G H T I L T A C O N E D I T I O N Check out our ILTA TV News segment with David Forrestall, SecurIT360!

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