P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 1
• Roles: In terms of roles, nearly 90% of respondents
were either marketing executives or senior marketers,
with the remainder representing senior and junior
marketing and business development roles.
Respondents completed 25 multiple-choice questions
about the legal marketing technology ecosystem structures,
selecting multiple options (where applicable) to indicate
more than one system in use and manually adding unlisted
systems or processes (where applicable). Specifically, they
were asked to show which system their firm used, with
definitions provided to clarify how to interpret "Content
Syndication," "Content Management System," "Email
Marketing," and so on.
The systems correspond to the RubyLaw Legal
Marketing Technology Stack, shown below and available
for download here.
Legal marketers and business developers are
becoming increasingly reliant on technology. Yet, the time
required to become educated, make strategic decisions
about particular systems, successfully roll out and adopt
software, and leverage it to gain a competitive advantage is
as considerable as the amount required to perform general
marketing and business development activities. This poses
a unique dilemma: when and how can legal marketers keep
on the cutting edge of marketing technology?
The RubyLaw Legal Marketing Technology Stack
provides a visualization of the legal marketing technology
ecosystem and articulates our perspective: it's critical to
select appropriate size and power systems while avoiding
misfits, taking advantage of pre-integrated products like
RubyLaw as needs and objectives become increasingly