P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 1
re you ready?! ILTACON is BACK, in
PERSON! And we're ready to also mingle in
new and exciting ways: digitally!
Years and years ago (too many to
mention!) I went to my first 'ILTACON'.
Sure, it wasn't called that and we didn't
have an app (we have an amazing, new, exciting app this year!) but it
was the content, the education, the connections that brought me the first
timeā¦ and then dozens of times since.
We are a Global organization, and the global pandemic has made it
necessary to find new ways to engage our members and valued business
partners. If we stayed solely digital, like we did for ILTA>ON, it would
be too easy to focus on not being together for another year: we choose to
focus, instead, on the opportunities a fully hybrid conference can offer us!
To that end, there are 15 live sessions a day, streaming digitally, for
ILTACON. Three session rooms, five sessions a day: coming to you live
and in full digital technicolor. You'll be able to ask digital questions and
get a live answer. We'll have comedians, in person and digitally, for your
laughing pleasure... We could all use a little laughter right now.
We'll gather, at the Mandalay Bay, and across brightly lit screens,
watch an All-American Astronaut, Dr. Mae Jemison, take our Monday
Keynote into outer space. We'll gather and we'll learn; we'll find new and
powerful connections. Our in-person and our digital opportunities will
become realities, we can celebrate together: We are peer powered!
Keep safe and well! ILTA
Joy Heath Rush