
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

Issue link: https://epubs.iltanet.org/i/1388375

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Page 55 of 66

56 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | S U M M E R 2 0 2 1 A S K I N G T H E R I G H T Q U E S T I O N S What Came Before the Test Automation? by TJ Johnson TJ Johnson is AVP, Legal Sector Strategist at Qualitest (www. qualitestgroup.com). She has great fun focusing on "StrategicIT" – looking at innovation, internally and for clients, and thought leadership around new ways to help clients deliver successful projects. TJ has deep experience in legal technology. A familiar and well-respected figure in the legal technology industry, TJ worked in various capacities for law firms and legal departments. Most known for her recent role on the executive team of ILTA (International Legal Technology Association) where she led the strategy development and execution of ILTA's global portfolio of events, was instrumental in growing their premier conference, ILTACON, and was responsible for the vison and execution of many strategic projects. H ow did legal organizations who have automated their manual testing decide that's what they should do? How did they decide how much to automate or that they should have an outside organization do the test automation for them? To be clear, we're focusing on Test Automation, which is the use of software separate from the software being tested, to control the execution of tests and the comparison of actual outcomes with predicted outcomes. It is about running tests automatically instead of manually, managing

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