
Peer to Peer: ILTA's Quarterly Magazine

Issue link: https://epubs.iltanet.org/i/1356436

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88 P E E R T O P E E R : I L T A ' S Q U A R T E R L Y M A G A Z I N E | S P R I N G 2 0 2 1 M E M B E R R E S O U R C E S Membership Matters I n late 2020, we asked ILTA members, business partners, and participants to share their thoughts around the benefits and resources ILTA offers. Through the 2020 Community Survey, we received nearly 700 responses that led to three key takeaways. First, a need for more awareness around the benefits we offer. Second, how ILTAns want to consume our content and offerings. And third, how ILTAns prefer to be communicated with around our services and offerings. What we learned about benefits awareness is that many of our constituents are not familiar with all the ways they can learn and benefit from ILTA resources. As such we have created a yearlong campaign focused on unlocking the mysteries behind ILTA's benefits titled ILTA Unlocked. Each month throughout 2021, we will highlight a specific ILTA benefit through the eyes of ILTAns. The benefits awareness campaign will showcase how members, business partners, and participants use ILTA resources and tools to help them do their jobs better and grow professionally. You can start learning about the various benefits on the ILTA unlocked webpage and we encourage you to visit it on a regular basis as each month we'll be unlocking something new to help you make the most of your connection with ILTA. Key into ILTA's Peer Power Unlocked here: https://iltanet.org/about/unlocked. When it comes to ILTAn's content consumption preferences, we learned that most are keen to consume our content in different ways, with short reads coming in as the highest preference. This means more peer written articles that require readers 15 minutes or less to get through. We also learned that while live webinars are still a highly preferred learning mechanism - individuals that miss the live showing may be more interested in consuming our recordings via a podcast or other method that fits well with their lifestyle. Considering this feedback, throughout 2021, we will be exploring how we can build our authorship pool to continue to produce high quality peer written articles that continue to meet the needs of our community, while providing career-building skills, and also find ways to re- package our recorded content for those that may like to consume in other ways. Lastly, before sending out the Community Survey, we already knew we sent an abundance of emails and that there was room for improvement- however, now that the results are in, we have information that tells us how frequently our community members want to hear from us. The beauty and challenge of this information is that it varied widely from individual to individual, which tells us that myILTA was the right strategic focus to have. One of the major takeaways from the communication preferences that stood out to us was that our community members value consolidated communications and lean towards wanting to receive weekly digests and monthly newsletters. A first step to addressing these needs has been to reinvigorate our community newsletter now branded as the ILTA Hub. Many of you may have already seen the first few issues come out by email earlier this year. ILTA Hub speaks to all constituents of ILTA and

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