Digital White Papers


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I L T A W H I T E P A P E R | K N O W L E D G E M A N A G E M E N T & M A R K E T I N G T E C H N O L O G Y 61 T he intersection of several departments within a law firm - namely: marketing, client & business development, operations, finance, and technology - lies squarely in the client service journey. That journey, as described here, is one that legal business professionals consistently review, benchmark, and measure the effectiveness of; each phase utilizes a different tech stack in order to improve the service experience for the firm's clients. While there are many technologies that make the practice of law itself more innovative, efficient, and effective, the collaborative work that these departments facilitate in reaching, vetting, engaging with, providing flawless service to, and securing loyalty from clients is imperative to every firm's success. Brand Elevation The awareness-building stage of the client experience is most often linked to marketing tech solutions. This is the top of the funnel, broad brush stage - but is necessary in order to properly utilize behavioral data to enforce your firm's brand in a bespoke manner. In this first stage of the client The Role of Technology in the Client Service Experience by Jenna K. Schiappacasse

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